Cannabis Tolerance Break Tips. Your first experience with Mary Jane was probably pleasantly surprising, and the smooth, euphoric, therapeutic effects are what keep so many going back for more. After a while, though, the euphoric effects of cannabis can start to fade. For some, especially those who use cannabis frequently, the blissful high may eventually dull down. For everyday cannabis users, the feeling may be more of a fog than the once uplifting, joyous experience. Perhaps you’ve found that the high you used to get off of a few puffs from a cannabis pre-roll now requires you to smoke nearly the whole joint.
That’s when the most experienced cannabis users know that it’s time for the infamous tolerance break, or T-break for short. A tolerance break can help rejuvenate your relationship with the Mother Mary, so you can once again experience the full delicacy of her therapeutic effects.
What is a Tolerance Break?
A tolerance break is a very well-known and necessary practice among regular cannabis users that includes taking a break from cannabis for a predetermined amount of time. A tolerance break can range from a few days to a few months, but the idea is all the same: to lower your tolerance to THC so that you can use less cannabis for increased psychoactive effects.
A tolerance break is sometimes difficult, especially for everyday users and those who use cannabis for its therapeutic effects, but it may not be what you think. Because cannabis isn’t necessarily physically addictive, the side effects from quitting cannabis are nothing like the withdrawal symptoms often related to quitting some pharmaceuticals and street drugs. Although quitting cannabis may come with some side effects for heavy users, like anger, irritability, sleep disruptions or nervousness according to one study, it shouldn’t be physically painful or severe.
Quitting simply requires your body, and your endocannabinoid system, to adjust to the new amount (or lack thereof) cannabinoids entering the body. Although taking an effective T-break can be tough, it usually results in increased effects when you return to your cannabis routine. It may also decrease the amount of cannabis you need, which can help save money. For many users, taking regular T-breaks is a great way to monitor and control their use while keeping their tolerance at a budget-friendly level.
Why Do You Need to Take a Tolerance Break from Cannabis?
If you use cannabis regularly and love the power of Mary Jane, you’re probably wondering, “Why would I ever quit?” There’s a variety of reasons that one may need to take a T-break, but the most common reason is to reduce cannabis tolerance. Studies show that THC is tolerance building, meaning it takes more overtime to produce the same effects. In fact, regular cannabis users experience less prominent effects that sporadic users and many users will tell you that they quit experiencing the “first time high” feeling very quickly.
Other reasons to take a break from cannabis could be dependent on situational factors, like saving money or quitting cannabis to try a new medication as prescribed by a doctor. Some people encounter legal issues that pose the need for a cannabis break. No matter the reason, a tolerance break can definitely refresh the effects you get from cannabis when you light up again. Just like the reasons for taking a T-break can vary, there’s a lot of variation in the way and amount of time that people do it.
What the Best Tolerance Break Length?
One of the most common questions surrounding tolerance breaks from cannabis is “How long should I do it?” The answer, however, is not so straightforward. The best tolerance break length will vary greatly user to user, based on a huge range of biological, environmental, and circumstantial factors. For instance, a person’s weight and size has alot to do with how quickly they metabolize cannabinoids, and how quickly cannabis exits the body after they stop using it. How much cannabis you used in the days or weeks prior to your T-break will also affect the amount of time you need to lower tolerance. Although the amount of time varies, most people choose a set amount of time, usually ranging from a minimum of three days to a few weeks. Establishing a set date as a completion date is usually more effective than just “taking a few days” because it helps fight off the urge to just say it’s been long enough at the first urge to roll up.
Alternatively, however, experienced users may take a tolerance break that is open-ended, paying close attention to the effects abstaining has on their body. For some, mild side effects may occur, like irritability. Users can note these effects, manage them naturally, and continue their tolerance break until side effects have gone away. Generally, the ability to not use cannabis with no effects at all is a good sign that your endocannabinoid system has regulated and adjusted to the lack of cannabis use. Then, many users will choose a date to return to their normal cannabis routine.
T-Break Tips: How to Take a Tolerance Break
There are multiple methods for taking a tolerance break and choosing the one that works best for you should be based on careful consideration and preference. One option is to quit using cannabis cold turkey, with no alternatives at all. This is totally possible and sometimes a smooth experience, mostly due to the plant’s lack of addictive properties. Some people, however, prefer to wean down their cannabis use for a few days, then establish a break period for their T-break.
Some people find it helpful to establish an alternative to help them break the habit of smoking cannabis, like sipping their favorite beverage or taking a job whenever the urge to smoke hits them. No matter how you decide to go about it, here are a few tips that may help get you through your T-break:
- Only take a T-break if you really want to. Taking a tolerance break because a friend wants to or because you think you need to won’t be effective unless the desire is there. Establish the reasons you need a T-break, think about the benefits of the break, and make sure that you really want to do it before you start.
- Keep a journal or calendar to track your time. Taking a T-break can be difficult, but manually scratching off the days and watching your progress can definitely help you maintain motivation.
- Establish a reward, like eating at your favorite restaurant, buying a new smoking piece, or another activity that you enjoy, for successfully completing your tolerance break. This can help you power through the tough times when you’re really craving the earthy sweet aroma of fresh bud.
- Drink plenty of water and plan to get some exercise during your T-break, which can help you quickly and effectively eliminate cannabinoids in the body and rejuvenate the endocannabinoid system balance.
Taking a T-break may not seem like the most fun idea, but that might be because you don’t need one. However, if you find that you do need to take a tolerance break, you can follow these tips to help your break go smoothly. You may be pleasantly surprised at the effects when you can once again experience the thrilling euphoria that cannabis can bring.